(713) 306-8700 rick@rickmgoldberg.com

14 Traps: The Yes or No Question

Litigators and their client/witnesses are confronted with difficult situations during testimony, and it’s nice to have reliable ways out of those sticky situations. During both courtroom testimony and in depositions, there are common traps where the examining attorney...

Why Didn’t You Do What I Told You to Do?

You drilled your client not to volunteer any information not asked for by opposing council, and yet, here he is, offering up details to the other attorney in deposition who’s politely egging him on. You’re muttering to yourself, “We discussed in the witness prep...

Just stop talking

If your client doesn’t appear in front of a judge, jury, or video camera as believable, genuine, and authentic … they’re toast. As you know, your client’s credibility is everything and it can vanish in a heartbeat if your client won’t stop talking at their...